Saturday, October 6, 2012

Welcome Back

And I'm back.  Seventeen months, 50lbs (give or take), two apartments, and one engagment later: a new chapter begins.
A brief nod to my last entry: "yes" the food was great. I preached on Chicago cuisine and a few local dives to grab a treat ... or four (as my waist-line can attest to). Time to turn the page.

I love writing and often think of my communication, and readers support, as two serious ingredients necessary to this next chapter. My plan is strait forward: to have my voice heard. If not by others then by myself through the simple act of writing out my thoughts. The inspirational "Wonka-Elevator" of life seems to make just a few stops throughout ones' lifetime to give pause. I wish nothing more than to document, and process, these moments. Hopefully to inspire others; most of all to inspire myself.

At this point for new readers, I must reference one of my first entries with the disclaimer: these are but musings from one soul of billions sharing this fabulous rock we call Earth.

That being said, with all this time that's gone by, I won't spend time in the past trying to document moments gone-by. I'll be moving on from this point on, perhaps with just a few visits to years that have gone by this lifetime.

So what to write about?! I am so eager to write that it's nerve-racking just to pick one topic. The current state of hip-hop? Work-life balance? Entering my 30's? New trends in the art-world? Or just a simple "welcome back" to myself and my courage to press the "Post" button every time I choose to put finger-to-keys? Perhaps all of the above. For now I'd just like to say: it's great to be back.