Thursday, September 30, 2010

Declaring Us a Community

Alright ~ I'm back.

This past week has been a whirlwind.  Summer's exit and fall's entrance puts me in a fresh state of mind and I realize I am really looking forward to the air turning crisp, bright yellow leaves and the smell of the Earth shifting focus. 

I am shifting focus as well and creating the opportunity to consider the greater community in this new season.  On August 29th, 2010 student Darrell McKinney (DJ) was caught in the crossfire of a gang-shooting and he was killed.  It is my assumption that anyone reading this has heard of students being shot and that this is not new. 

This particular student was in my sister's first classroom in the Chicago Public School (CPS) District.  I had met him, gotten to know him, and even helped grade some of his papers.  My sister had spoke highly of him, as well his mother's commitment to keeping him safe and academically prepared.  Sadly, when I went to research details of his death, the keyword search "CPS Student Killed" was too broad and returned several results not directly connected to DJ's murder yet all tragic. 

It did take these "hits-close-to-home" details for me to really be inspired into action and I am passing it on.  I am creating a project that will provide a space for CPS students to become inspired, and to start considering their life and future as one they have control over. 

I look forward to inviting my friends in the art community, and those who love to travel, to come and share about themselves to students that may not have the luxury to be around people who are really living a life they have created and love.  More information about how I, and others, plan to pull this off is to come.  I definitely look forward to creating this project with the community and look forward to any feedback as it takes form!

Thanks again for considering me a part of your day and I have a few updates:  The screening of the film "Who Does She Think She Is?" has been postponed until a later date to be announced. The Illinois Art Therapy Assocation will host an event at the Fulton Street Art Collective on October 15th.  Please email for more info.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hello There All,

I am experiencing a breakdown against the possibility of consistency and organization!  I will post my blog Thursday of this week!  Thanks for checking in.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One Month Celebration

As I mark the first month of The Traveling Artist I want to thank and acknowledge those who have silently supported me by checking-in, as well as offering feedback.  I have found that in sharing I really have been inspired by my audience and further, I hope to inspire you to continue coming back!

First, my sister, Brooke Wheeler who has juggled her  goals with such grace and rigor that it is truly to be admired.  In the coming weeks she will complete her Real Estate Exam through Sotheby's International Realty, while continuing to stay dedicated to her students at Johnson School of Excellence

Secondly, both of my parents - talented artists and an amazing support system.  Sharon Ponton-Wheeler is in the middle-stage of launching her company Divine Pastry.  This amazing line of organic-based, natural pastries has captured the culinary world of Chicago franchises, and soon Divine Pastries will be available in stores.  Seasoned artist Bud Wheeler continues to work diligently on his clothing line which is currently available upon request.  His line titled Just One Crow Designs made its debut October 2009 with a collection of seasonally inspired graphic-tees. 

Friends and loved ones that have also made their support known include Public Relations Master's Candidate from Boston University Lola Keyes; Country Music recording hopeful and VP Wealth Manager of Bank Financial Ken Loebel; Cindy Alexander of the Department of Psychiatry at University of Michigan; Art Therapist Nicole Sampson and Associate Producer at LX.TV/NBC Kim Brooks

This fall I look forward to sharing the premier of The Art of Travel: Inspired Journeys web-videos.  This series will highlight various day trips available in-and-around the Chicago area. Furthermore, through the Illinois Art Therapy Association I am proud to announce that October 15th IATA will host a screening of the film Who Does She Think She Is? for more infomation please email

Thank you all for your continued support and I look forward to our long-term relationship.  If you would like to join as a follower, please click the Google "Follow Button" and step through the prompts.

Thanks Again,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Weekend Bliss

After some amazing conversations with family and friends I have found that in sharing various inspirations I totally become open to various possibilities through contribution. Now is the perfect time for me to share the origins of my travel obsession, as well as offer a new possibility for inspiring travel in others.

Growing up I can attribute my love of travel to Geography and Cultural-Awareness courses I took as electives.  In high school I was introduced to abroad programs and hosted a foreign exchange student from Sweden.  In college I was given the opportunity to travel abroad myself to London, and later Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Czech Republic.  I am now realizing how essential these experiences were for me to stay open to learning from people, as well as cultures who may, at first glance, appear "different" than my own. 

As weeks go on - I am dedicated to the possibility of creating travel for myself, as well as inspiring others to the idea of "The World" as a tangible goal.  I will continue to share my thoughts, personal inspirations and journey as this project takes form.  Celebrating culture, diversity and learning about similarities through difference continues to be my goal. 

I received my sketchbook in the mail and will start my topic "You'd Be Home by Now ..." through the Sketchbook Project 2011 which will exhibit through the United States beginning Spring of 2011.  Furthermore I have joined the Illinois Art Therapy Association Board as the Programs Co-Chair.  In October we plan on screening the film "Who Does She Think She Is?" by award-winning Filmmaker Pamela T Boll.  I have also joined the non-for-profit organization Do Your P'Art as a Board Member.  This month begins another year of their mission "to bring children together from various cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds through artistic collaborations".  

Thanks for checking in and more updates on the progress of the above projects are to come next Tuesday!  Anyone interested in more details concerning these projects, as well as info on how to get involved please email me directly at or visit


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Inspiration and Trends

As an artist I have a relationship with the world of creativity and specifically with the concept of inspiration. One may be surprised that inspiration is not a constant state. It, by nature, exists within the world of creation, or action, therefore can not be a constant.
That being said, I find myself often desiring inspiration when I feel it is lacking, yet being exhausted by it while it is present.  These past few weeks I have found myself in an incredible bubble of inspiration and have decided to simply enjoy and share all that sparks my interest; I hope that in doing this I master inspiration as a constant gathering and sharing of knowledge and work:  

  • proves to be a daily inspiration offering amazing links and showcasing artists from around the globe.  Most recently, I have joined the Sketchbook Project Tour 2011 and look forward to receiving my book in the mail.  My theme: "You'd be home by now ..." In short, this project is compared to a concert-tour, with sketchbooks as the medium.  Myself and of 2,800+ artist will be sending our sketchbooks to major cities around the US premiering Spring 2011.

Thanks for checking in and please feel free to comment and join my blog.  I will start by up-dating content every Tuesday :o)