Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Altar Ego

Illness (Acrylic)

As I have mentioned in weeks prior, I am apart of an artist collective by the name of The Manifest Project.  The suggested donations at the Opening Event on Saturday, October 30th will benefit the Israeli-Palestine Project.  The mission of this project is to bring about an equitable and enduring peace between Israel and Palestine that honors and dignifies both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.  This mission is consistent with the context in which people live in peace and security, mutual respect and honor.

I am so honored to be apart of this exhibit with several artists all representing the topic Altar Ego.  An altar or shrine is a holy or sacred place, which is dedicated to a specific deity, ancestor, hero, martyr, saint, daemon or similar figure of awe and respect, at which they are venerated and worshipped.  

Insanity (Ink and Pencil)

The exhibit asks: If you were to take a look at what you venerate or worship in the form of an altar or shrine, what would it look like?  What would it have in it?  What do we really make a priority in our lives?  What are you worshipping?  Altar Ego is an art event that explores this inquiry. 

Opening night reception is on Saturday, October 30 from 7pm-midnight at The Movement Studios, 2411 N. Clybourn, 2nd floor, Chicago, IL.

Performance by:
David Jeffery Taylor
Music curated by Shala
The Altar Ego show is a benefit for The Israeli Palestinian Project.
$13 suggested donation at the door.

I will be at the opening at 10:30 dressed in Halloween Garb and ready to Party as my Alter-Ego - All Are Welcome!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Full Speed

Alright my darlings, I have updates, as well as more inspiring shout-outs!

  • Do Your P'Art Foundation (DYP)
  • Illinois Art Therapy Association 2010 Programs
  • Passport to Life: Sharing Life's Inspirations
  • Manifest Project: Alter Ego
  • Art of Travel: Off the Beaten Path (webisode 1)
Do Your P'Art continues to move forward in the commitment to bridge cultural understanding through art.  We are working on updating our website, as well as offering a donation option for those who are inspired to contribute!  Also we are looking for OLD SHOES as our art theme this year is: Walk a Mile in Your Shoes.  If anyone has gently used shoes to donate please email me at:maiawheeler@doyourpartfoundation.org.

The Illinois Art Therapy Association has set a new date for the screening of Who Does She Think She Is? November 17th the film will feature the work of acclaimed producer from Born into Brothels, as well as offer a unique discussion to follow led by an amazing art therapist, Mary Andrus.

Passports to Life is a community project that is starting from the ground-up and inviting professionals in the art, art therapy and travel communities to go into classrooms to inspire CPS students with their life.  We are expanding the mission to include "those passionate about their life's journey" and hope to motivate students to consider various career paths as they matriculate through school.  For more information on this project please email: mwheeler@eastersealschicago.org

The Manifest Project is an exhibit opening in Chicago on October 30th at The Movement Studios, 2411 N. Clybourn, 2nd Floor.   Four of my artworks will be displayed and available for purchase.  A portion of the proceeds will support six Ugandan orphans to enroll in school and who are currently victims of civil war, and other artists works go to support the Israeli Palestine Project.  More info please check out manifestproject.com

This week filming The Art of Travel: Off the Beaten Path I had an amazing time filming my first webisode at Starved Rock this past weekend and want to thank my love Robert Alexander who was the possibility of patience as we hiked miles of trail and soaked up the amazing fall day!  I am in the initial editing process of this "spode" and am not only eliciting assistance from someone further in skill-set than I in the art of technology - but also letting all of my faithfuls know that I am experiencing a breakdown against the possibility of technological mastery and the release of this webisode is TBD.

Shout Outs to my loving, beautiful and dedicated aunt Joyce Dinkins who has really took on excellence in the publishing world.  Once again, Robert Alexander who continues to dedicate his life to assisting family's diagnosed with autism.  A special acknowledgement to Matthew Proshka, an artists in the culinary world, and who made the filming of Art of Travel possible!  Fred Mitchell, father and tech-pro who reaches out to express action within his community!  

Much Love,
See you Next Tuesday!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Progress comes from Communication

Hello All,
A few items for this weeks reflection:

Thanks to other supporters who have made their presence known (it does really feel good to hear that people are following my inspirations and contributions!)  Jason Hamer, MAeducator extraordinaire who is masterfully keeping the east coast knowledgeable.  Inder Rikhiraj, MA DePaul University, esteemed social-butterfly and forward thinker here in Chicago, as well as Loren Johnson who consistently gives of herself to her friends while supporting various organizations including Amandala Charter School in Chicago.

I wanted to look back and fondly acknowledge once again my visitors to Easter Seals Chicago this past Friday, October 8th.  Lertsiri Bovornkitti, BFA, DCA,  from the Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand, who presented at the First Annual International Art in Response to Violence Conference, PTSD and Art Therapy with children who experienced a severe natural disaster in Uttaradit Province, Thailand.  Somjit Krzaisri, lead art therapist at The Rajanukul Institute in Bangkok who has created therapeutic arts programs for young people with special needs.

I also welcomed the Department Chair for the Counseling Psychology and Art Therapy Program from The Adler School of Psychology, Dr.Nancy Slater; as well as core faculty member Debra Paskind, MA, ATR-BC, LCPCHolly DeRosa, ATR, LPC from Easter Seals Tinley Park also was present as an experienced professional in the art therapy community who has worked with special needs populations for over 6 years.  We all had an amazing discussion about the growth of art therapy program in Thailand, as well as facility differences between the US and Bangkok. 

I am proud to say that I have started my sketchbook themed: You'd be home by Now ... through the Sketchbook Project 2011 out of Brooklyn NY.  I plan on expressing my familial experiences with cancer, as well as the therapeutic application of art marking.  My book along with thousands of others will tour major cities in the US beginning in Spring of 2011 - dates to come.  Anyone interested in participating can sign up at Sketchbook Project 2011 before October 31st.

I also am honored to donate three art works to the Alter Ego Exhibition Opening October 30th, 2010 at The Movement Studios, 2411 N. Clybourn Ave (2nd Floor), Chicago @ 7PM - Midnight.  The exhibit is open through December 30th 2010.  My work will fund scholarships for six Ugandan orphans, as well as send three volunteers to Uganda to volunteer their time. 

Thanks again for checking in ... more updates always to come as well as the first webisode filming from Starved Rock, Illinois.    

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Next Step

What another great weekend it was.  I celebrated birthday's, spent time with girlfriends and even managed a camping trip. 

I also got the chance to attend the first annual International Art in Response to Violence Conference at Eastern Illinois University.  I got an amazing opportunity to hear Nataka Moore, PsyD, discuss some of the differences between the progression of Hip-Hop in Chicago and New York.  She noted the artistry behind Hip-Hop, specifically Graffiti Art, Break Dancing and Rap.  Really a thoughtful and powerful presentation.

During the question-and-answer portion of the presentation, I was inspired to stand and share that I believed that anyone could assist with "at-risk-communities" by offering their passions and resources.  I also shared that I was committed to bringing artists, and travel-lovers to share themselves with The Johnson School of Excellence Middle School.  From that, several people requested to assist in the  development of this project.  I look forward to things coming together with the resources and invested assistance of those who I may not even know yet!

There were many highlights to the Art in Response to Violence Conference and I look forward to hosting Somjit Krzaisri, Head Art Therapist of Rajakanul Institute in Bangkok, Thailand at Easter Seals Therapeutic School and Center for Autism Research this Friday!